Thursday, October 21, 2010

Koen update!

So a lot has happened lately concerning my child. Most of you already know what's going on but for those who don't here's what is going on. Last Thursday I had a doctor's appointment and found out that at almost 37 weeks I was measuring not even 35 weeks so the doctor decided I needed a growth ultrasound soon. So I got one on Tuesday and found out that yes, he is indeed small. They can estimate the weight of a baby I guess by measuring their abdomen. Koen apparently weighs about 6 pounds and 6 ounces which is small...I guess...but I don't think so. I would be okay with him coming out that size. So back to my baby. The doctor then decided I needed to come back on Thursday for a BPP test. This is yet another ultrasound for my child. It measured my fluid levels, his muscle tone, movements, and breathing movements. Everything was fine except for he is a butthead and would not do the breathing motions. This then led to me being hooked up to a machine with things on my stomach that monitored his heart rate and how strong my contractions were and then I got a little clicky thing to say when he moved. He decided it was nap time so they gave me some juice to get some sugar into him and wake him up and make him move. Which he did. After that they said everything looked fine and I didn't need to worry. Then they measured my stomach and I'm still barely measuring 35 weeks. So I'm going back in next Tuesday for another growth ultrasound to see if he's growing and if he hasn't or has for some reason lost weight then I guess it means that I will be induced. Spectacular. The only plus side I can see to this is that I will know when I am going into the hospital. My fear with not knowing when I'm going into the hospital is that I will go into labor in the middle of class. Or that Nick will be taking a test in the testing center and will have to have his phone off. Those are my fears. Anyway. I'm trying to remember if the doctor's said anything else interesting. Kristin told me to ask about hair and if they can see it on the ultrasound. They can. It looks like Koen only has a little bit of peach fuzz. So, sorry mom, Koen is not going to be a hairy little monkey like you thought. Also from last Tuesday when we were in getting our ultrasound, we had this girl who was like obsessed with his nose and mouth so she gave us a picture she took and he seriously looks like an angry monkey. Nick and I decided this ultrasound would not be going up online as it is not attractive in the least, but for some reason the girl doing the ultrasound thought it was so cute. Dang, I keep having thoughts of what else I want to say in the middle of writing something else and then I finish that thought but can't remember what I wanted to say. It's really frustrating.
In other news, Nick and I are still both in school and it sucks. For him anyways, my classes are fairly easy still. I get to sit around and make flowers. It's quite fun for me. And my teachers are being awesome about when I have the baby. My flower arranging teacher says I can bring him to class, and my art teacher says I only have to come to class once a week and they will alter my assignments AND I can bring Koen with me. Nick is still doing all his crazy math and science classes that take up forever amounts of his time. Earlier this week I went and sat with him while he was in a study group and oh my goodness I honestly felt like I was Penny from t
he Big Bang. I mean honestly. They sat there and threw out these huge words that no one in their right mind would even know. And there were jokes that again, no normal person would understand. But it's okay. Nick's nerdliness will pay off one day. And I have to throw out now that despite his nerdliness, it is part of the reason that I love him. Speaking of my wonderful husband, he has been great these last few weeks of my pregnancy when it comes to me being in pain. He constantly rubs my back because (here is a little tidbit I forgot to mention when talking about Koen) suprise suprise, my child is ON MY SPINE. Which causes me a lot of pain, so Nick helps me by rubbing my back for me. He is great. I also got to quit my job finally. And got my license renewed so now I can legally drive again (not that I know how to drive my car yet). Also one last piece of information about my pregnancy and then I will end this novel. Last Thursday (Oct. 14) I was 0 cm dialated and 0% effaced, and as of Tuesday (because I didn't want them checking again today because it is PAINFUL) I am 1 cm dialated and 80% effaced. Yes, I am finally making progress!!!

So this is something I get to spend part of some of my days doing. Personally I think it's great fun. Nick told me that I should spend my time doing something useful. I think this could turn out to be pretty dang useful one day. Maybe.


  1. Always fun to read your blogs, Lindsay. Also, tell Nick that that's a silly thing to say. If we all spent all of our time doing things that are useful, no one ever would have invented golf. Ha ha.

  2. lol @ caitlyn!

    what is it with ultrasound techs and those face shots? i had this really awkward tech who thought this full on shot of smudge was cute and you know what? it looked like a mean skeleton. one of my friends actually screamed when she saw the picture. i put it up on my blog to scare people. smudge looks WAY cuter in the pictures that just show his profile, lol.

    good luck with everything! miles was about koen's size at that point; he weight 7 lbs even when he was born.
