Monday, April 5, 2010


So as everyone who actually reads this already knows. I'm pregnant!!! Yay!! But I am not due until November 4 so that is still a really long time a way. Sad. But hopefully it goes by fast what with my being in school. I like to think of it this way. One and a half semesters left until my baby is here! So I went to the doctor last Friday and got my first ultrasound which was fine at first and then was slightly uncomfortable. But there really is something in there which is great news for me because I'm paranoid. And it has a heart beat, also something I worried about. It's heart is beating 191 beats per minute right now which is awesome. Also there is (thankfully) only one in there. I think I would have cried had there been two. Nick apparently did want twins though because he thought it would have been cool. I just like to look at him and laugh because one kid will be hopefully doable while I'm in school and I shouldn't have to take time off but if there were two in there, no way would I be able to do it. But I can. So I go back to the doctor on the 30 of this month and then I will get blood work done (yuck) and we will get to hear its heartbeat!!! I can't wait until June though when we can actually find out what we are having. Nick and I have already started thinking about names and we had some we liked but then I kept looking and found more that I like. The ones we started with were Jayden Kaleb and Koen Zachary for a boy (Nick picked those names before I even mentioned all the little boys in our ward). Funnily enough Nick also likes the name Casen. I thought that was really funny, but they are really good names...If it's a girl we're thinking about Aubrey Nicole, but then I found a Japanese name that I really like but Nick isn't too fond of and I don't know why. It's Emi, and it means blessing, favour, or beautiful. Japanese names have cool meanings. Anyways. I really like that name but can't think of a middle name to go with it. Any suggestions so maybe I can change Nick's mind? Anyways. So aside from the baby news, nothing is going on. Nick and I are getting ready to end the semester and finish up all our finals. Then we head down to Twin Falls for a few days to visit his family and then I get to go back to school while Nick gets a break until September. Lucky. But he's going to be working I guess...Kristin is walking this Saturday for graduation even though she graduated last semester, so Nick and I are going to that to support her. Yesterday for Easter Nick and I listened to General Conference and between sessions we colored eggs which apparently Nick has never done before. In all his 22 years of life. Crazy. Then we hid some plastic eggs filled with M&Ms. Also, in one he stuck a piece of paper that said we could go out to dinner someplace nice whenever I want to which is nice because I really want Olive Garden...But here are the pictures of what we've been up to and also the ultrasounds I have. Nick thinks it's a boy because in one of them it's foot is sticking out and he thinks it's really big. He's crazy though but what can I say, I love him.