Tuesday, October 26, 2010

another update!!

So I went to the doctor today again and things are progressing!! Koen is now around 7 pounds!! I'm at a -2 station, 2 and 1/2 cm and 75% effaced. I'm going to trust the doctor on this one because the nurse practioner told me last week I was 80% effaced. Not a big difference but oh well. On Saturday night I got really bad pains in my back and today when I described them to the doctor he was like, "Oh, those were contractions." So I asked, "Real ones? Not Braxton Hicks ones in my back?" He said, "Nope, those were real." I told him they hurt and he told me I reminded him of his wife when she was pregnant with their last kid. I like that doctor. Nick likes him too because he speaks Japanese. When he walked in Nick said something in Japanese and so they started talking and me and the nurse that were in there just kind of looked at each other. It's okay though because Nick never gets to talk to anyone. Sometimes our neighbor...Anyways. Back to my son. The doctor says he wouldn't be suprised if Koen comes out in the next few days. He doesn't think I'll make it the nine days til my due date. It's kind of a scary thought for me. I knew it was coming but now he's practically here. I still can't wrap my head around the thought that in just a few days I'm going to be a mom. I will have someone else in my life who, for now, depends entirely on me. It's crazy. Anyway. So I'm going back to the doctor on Saturday because even though he's growing, they want to keep an eye on us both because of my nephrotic syndrome. This makes sense. As the doctor put it, you don't want to get 99% of the flight done perfectly and then botch the landing because then the whole flight doesn't even matter. When I told mom I'm going back Saturday she said he would be born on Friday. Then she said if not Friday, then Sunday because that is the one day that I don't want him to be born. Dad disagrees. He says next Tuesday. I would be okay with Friday. Heck, I would be okay with tomorrow. But, it's all in the Lord's time and Koen will come when he is supposed to.


  1. Oh, Lindsay, I still love to read your stream-of-concious blogs. It's exactly like talking to you, except I think you talk faster than the fastest reader can read, and you could probably say all that in about 10 seconds.

    Also: HALLOWEEN BABY! Ha ha. Hope he comes soon and you have a good, easy labor. Love you!

  2. I spelled conscious wrong. It's bothering me.
