Friday, August 6, 2010


So mainly I'm doing this to make mom happy because nothing has happened. All our exciting stuff is happening in the next few weeks. So let's see. I'm out of school now so all Nick and I are doing is working our butts off to save money for when Koen gets here. On my last paycheck I had about sixty hours which I think is just plain ridiculous, but I guess in the end is worth it. Koen is getting bigger still which is obviously good. He likes to kick the crap out of me. And move into REALLY uncomfortable positions so I push him and he moves into another uncomfortable position. But that's good because it means he's getting big!! Really that's all I can say about him right now because we don't get anymore ultrasounds so the next time we see him will be in November which is CRAZY! Let's see...we're going down to Twin tomorrow to visit Nick's family for the weekend and on Monday we're all going to Boise to go to some water park. A little pointless for me because I can't go on waterslides but I'm still excited because it means I can relax and get rid of my Rexburg paleness. Then in two weeks we're going to Ohio!! It's crazy to think we haven't been there in a year. It also means I get to see my niece's, one which I've never even met before and she's already getting super big. Also Kristin and Jacob left the great state of Idaho which sucks for me and Nick because it means we have no more friends. And no more Kimball. Thats mainly who I miss. Haha. Ok well I think that's everything that anyone needs to hear...or else this will turn into me rambling. Haha because it wasn't already...


  1. I'm sorry you miss Kimball. We'll be back so you won't have to miss us for very long. You need to put up more pictures of your belly because I miss it! I'm so happy that you're getting to the uncomfortable stage because that means you're just that much closer to your pregnancy being over and your handsome little man being here! Woo hoo!

  2. I'm excited to see you! Only nine days!
